larry june
the warm up

When and where is The Warm Up? The Warm Up will take place on Saturday, April 6th at the Events Center Thunderdome.
What is the duration of the concert? Doors will open at 8:00 PM.
Who can attend The Warm Up? The Warm Up is a UCSB student only event. All UCSB students with a valid access card can attend the concert.
Where can I get tickets? Tickets will be $5 with an additional $1 ticketing fee, available to purchase here.
What if I do not have my access card yet? Your access card must be valid, scannable, and show your face. If you do not have your access card yet, go to the access card desk and request a new access card.
I’m an extension student, why can’t I attend events? Each year student fees are used to fund events put on by AS Program Board. Extension students, however, do not pay the same fees as UCSB students therefore they cannot be allowed entry into these events. Additionally, faculty members cannot attend these events because they do not pay the student fees that are used to fund these events.
What is not allowed at the concert? No vapes, glowsticks, fireworks, lasers, skateboards, bottles, cans, knives, alcohol, illegal substances, wallet chains, recording devices, backpacks, large bags, hula hoops, projectile items, stage diving, crowd surfing or moshing. Any person engaged in violent conduct or endearing others will be removed from the venue.
Will there be The Warm Up merchandise for sale? We will be tabling on campus throughout the week and giving out t-shirts.
I lost something at The Warm Up, what do I do? Please come to the Program Board office located on the first floor of the MCC. We are open Monday-Friday 9 A.M.-5 P.M.
I have a question regarding my access card or ticket, who can I contact? Please email your questions to ticketoffice@as.ucsb.edu.
What if my question is not listed on here? Feel free to ask your question at aspb@as.ucsb.edu, or send us a message on our Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook page, and we will make every attempt to answer your question.