“Ziwerekoru “Ziwe” Fumudoh is an American comedian and writer known for her satirical commentary on politics, race relations, and young adulthood. In 2017, she created the YouTube comedy show Baited with Ziwe and its 2020 Instagram Live iteration. She wrote for Desus & Mero from 2018 to 2020, and she co-hosted Crooked Media’s Hysteria podcast in 2018. Ziwe starred in and executive produced the Showtime variety series Ziwe (2021–2022). She recently published a collection of essays called Black Friend.”
Tickets for students start at $12 advance and $20 at the door. The event is open to the public as well, with tickets starting at $19 advance and $25. Doors open at 6 PM at Campbell Hall. Tickets are on sale now here!